Saturday, February 9, 2008

the taste of Chinese New Year...

is Kueh Bangkit!!

Cos tat's the only time when they are widely available...

got the recipe from Little Corner of Mine...she's even posted a step by step guide.

brought the cookies to a CNY gathering for international students and received many grateful thanks...
(made my heart sing cos that's main reason why i replicate the taste of home...)

thanks LCOM for sharing the recipe!!!

The ingredients are pretty simple but just take note to use a good quality coconut cream (Ayam brand is excellent) and cos i didn't have a microwave, i fried the tapioca starch with cut pandan leaves in a non-stick fry do u tell when it's done?? Hmm...not too sure too...just an approximation...maybe around 10 mins on low-medium heat..

they do take quite some time...the first batch took 3 hours but the second was around 40 minutes..most of the time was spent cutting out the dough.

A bit late but here's wishing everyone a very prosperous Chinese New Year!!! May the year ahead bring many glad tidings!!


  1. Sounds wonderful! I made them before, but Hubs didn't like it. But I should make them again one of these days and maybe my kids will eat them. LOL!

  2. V: yeah, u gotta start them young!! I think kueh bangkit is an acquired jap friend described them thus: "funny texture...floury floury..."


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