Friday, November 7, 2008

Non-baked Strawberry Cheesecake

yes, more strawberry goodness will come this way soon...

so far...

there's the strawberry liquor, which will be ready in 2 months' (?!) time..

the non-baked strawberry cheesecake- recipe adapted from Berry Simple's favourite dessert..

it was not too bad...really attractive colour...but taste wise it's quite one-dimensional...perhaps it's the shortbread biscuits i used for the crust...perhaps the cheese mixture needed some vanilla extract...Strangely, i was quite happy the first time i ate it though...(and had nearly a quarter of the cake!!!!! :P ) it was only the second day that i fell out of love with it...maybe it's a case of too much too soon..!!

now there's a baked cheesecake chilling in the fridge which i will bring for cell group tomorrow...and a loaf of strawberry cake waiting to be sliced and eaten for afternoon tea together with a friend...and also strawberry sauce, strawberry sorbet and frozen strawberries in the freezer.

I don't think i will be buying strawberries for a long time.

By the way, for those of you in Adelaide, I saw a big box with maybe six 250g punnets at central market for 2 bucks today..they were not in the best condition- but for baking and cooking, they're perfect...!
Three Amigos i think...the stall which sells everything without a sign for 99cents..

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